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International School Ikast-Brande
26th March 2021: Easter Egg Competition
Thursday afternoon saw primary students and their teachers taking part in an Easter Egg-straviganzer, decorating eggs for the competition. Our NLT room was transformed Thursday with Easter chicks, bunnies, minions and even Mr Potato Head. Friday morning children were able to look at all the entries and vote for their favorite eggs from each class, with Miss Bell having the hardest job of all, choosing a whole school winner. Congratulations Sidharth from Year 4 who created an egg-cellent Easter Chick creation, your bright colours and adorable chicks were fantastic! Special mention to our Egg-ceptional runners up from each class; Joaquin (Early Years), Aarav (Year 1), Sai (Year 2), Margarida (Year 3), Avantikaa (Year 4), Jakob (Year 5) and Sakhti (Year 6). Thank you to Year 6 who although are online learning still participated in the competition. Our children also voted for their favorite egg decorated by their teachers, congratulations Miss Jeffcoat for your fantastic Mr Potato Head!
Well done to everyone who took part, we hope you had fun and enjoyed your Easter treat at the end!
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