The news from the Danish education system isn’t good, it has been reported today that 1 in 10 Danish students have not achieved a score of 2 in their FP 9 Danish and maths exams in 2023. This is 12.5% of the Grade 9 co-hort in the Danish school system that have not passed their Secondary School exam. This means that high school options are closed to them.
After ten years of school it is a real issue for the Danish students and their education system which is leaving them devoid of choice. Check it out here.
In IGCSE a 2 is equal to a E and a very basic pass, a ‘4’ is a D and a ‘7’ is a C grade, this year almost every exam taken in the school resulted in a 7 or higher with many achieving 10 – 12 equivalencies as A or A*.
It’s a shame when the system is failing its students whose future careers and lives depend on it.
At ISIB we will continue to provide the best results and pathways for our students regardless of where they will continue. Happy December everyone!
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